June 2, 2012 1:30 to 3:00 pm Chilliwack United Church, entrance at corner of Main and Spadina. [googlemaps http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=45835+spadina+ave+chilliwack&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=44.617777,104.326172&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=45835+Spadina+Ave,+Chilliwack,+Fraser+Valley+Regional+District,+British+Columbia+V2P+7V2&ll=49.169142,-121.956262&spn=0.01034,0.01929&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=425&h=350] Come for cake, strawberries, ice cream, tea and coffee. Check out the baked goods for sale, partake in the Chinese raffle, and maybe win a door prize. Admission by donation. All proceeds go towards purchasing hospital …
Author Archives: WebpageSupport
2012 Chilliwack Heritage Awards
The Chilliwack Heritage Awards were presented on March 24, 2012 by the Chilliwack Museum and Historical Society. Each year they present awards to individuals, businesses, governments or groups whose efforts have made important contributions to the culture, history and/or heritage of Chilliwack and its people. This year, author Andrea Lister, with research assistants Robin and …
Thrifty Deals on March 13
Come by the CHA Thrift Shoppe on Tuesday March 13, 2012, 10:00 am–4:00 pm and help celebrate our 13th anniversary. Come see the changes, enjoy a cup of coffee and cookies, and check out the great deals happening! 9236 Main St., Chilliwack, BC Hope to see you there!
International Women’s Day
On International Women’s Day, take a moment to reflect that it was, and is, a small group of women who have raised money to build and maintain the Chilliwack hospital for over 100 years. The story of the Auxiliary is a very human story. It is the story of women, many of them who’s names …
Happy 100th Birthday Chilliwack General Hospital
The first Chilliwack hospital officially opened February 28, 1912 completely free from debt. The women of the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary raised $5000 of the total expenditure of $10,000.In addition to fundraising, the Auxiliary women gathered supplies for the hospital wards. They supplied feathers and made pillows. They put notices in the paper for donations of …
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British Columbia History Online
Many aspects of British Columbia history are not found, or are sketchily covered, in online sources. The British Columbia Historical Federation has begun a project to build an online encylopedia of British Columbia history. A brief history and timeline of the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary has been added to the online encylopedia by author Andrea Lister.
Chilliwack Christmas Craft Market
The Auxiliary’s book, Commitment to Caring: Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary’s 100 Years, 1911-2011, will be for sale at the Chilliwack Christmas Craft Market at Heritage Park. Look for it at the Chilliwack Museum and Archives booth and pick up a copy of the book as a Christmas present for someone you know. Fri, November 18 – …
Auxiliary joining Chilliwack Museum in celebration
The Chilliwack Museum and Archives is celebrating its 4,000-square-foot, half-million-dollar expansion with an open house. The museum will celebrate its new addition with an open house on Oct. 15 from 1 to 3 p.m. Staff will give behind-the-scenes tours of items and records rarely seen by the public. The Chilliwack Museum and Archives has kindly …
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Commitment to Caring in BC BookWorld
The fall issue of BC BookWorld has given Commitment to Caring a bit of space. Look for it on page 3, in the Who’s Who British Columbia. Pick up a copy at your local library or read it online at ABC Book World. Our thanks to Alan Twigg, publisher.
Service and Constancy of Effort
“”If you continue to give the service and constancy of effort which you have given in the 27 years since your inception, you will continue to merit the wonderful support that you have had in the past,” said Mayor C.A. Barber, Saturday afternoon, on officially opening the attractive new Hospital auxiliary dining hall at the …