International Women’s Day

On International Women’s Day, take a moment to reflect that it was, and is, a small group of women who have raised money to build and maintain the Chilliwack hospital for over 100 years.

The story of the Auxiliary is a very human story. It is the story of women, many of them who’s names are no longer known, who came together and baked pies, sold tags, raffle tickets, sewed, knitted, and promoted the work of the hospital through wars, depression, and changing times.

These remarkable women have given 276,332 volunteer hours between 1998 – 2010 and supported the growth of the hospital from 13 beds to 138 beds plus 97 extended care beds; the growth of Chilliwack from a population of 1657 to approximately 80, 000. They have raised approximately the equivalent of 5 million dollars in today’s money contributed to the hospital in the last century.

The Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary invites everyone to continue supporting them in their endeavours to provide a variety of volunteer support services and fundraising initiatives to assist in the continuation and growth of healthcare services for Chilliwack General Hospital; at one time or other some member of your family has needed the services of the hospital.