The first Chilliwack hospital officially opened February 28, 1912 completely free from debt. The women of the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary raised $5000 of the total expenditure of $10,000.In addition to fundraising, the Auxiliary women gathered supplies for the hospital wards. They supplied feathers and made pillows. They put notices in the paper for donations of fruits, jelly, vegetables, furniture and bed linens.
The hospital was located at western portion of the city. The hospital was two storeys with three wards, doctors’ preparatory room, reception, operating room, toilet and bath rooms, kitchen, orderly’s room, matron’s room and a nurses’ sitting room. The hospital had room for between 13 patients but could accommodate 20 patients if required. It had no elevator and patients had to be carried between floors.

Indefatigable in their work are the members of the Hospital Auxiliary. The president, Mrs. Henry Eckert, and the secretary, Miss Grossman, along with the other members, have done noble work in pushing along the work. To them, the thanks of the public is due and they can rightly take credit for the building being ready and open today.
The Chilliwack Progress, March 6, 1912
Chilliwack General Hospital has expanded significantly from its humble beginnings. The women of the Auxiliary wish the hospital a happy birthday as they continue together in their work to support health care in the community.