“”If you continue to give the service and constancy of effort which you have given in the 27 years since your inception, you will continue to merit the wonderful support that you have had in the past,” said Mayor C.A. Barber, Saturday afternoon, on officially opening the attractive new Hospital auxiliary dining hall at the fair grounds.”” (Chilliwack Progress, August 31, 1938, p2).

The Auxiliary Dining Hall was used for many years to serve the fair meals. They sold the hall to the Chilliwack Light Horse Breeders and Riding Club in the 1950s but continued to use the building until they stopped catering fair meals in 1965.
The Auxiliary ladies will be at the 139th Annual Chilliwack Fair, August 5, 6, and 7, although not to serve meals; they will be conducting a recruitment drive. Be sure to drop by and say hello.
Read more about the Auxiliary and their involvement at the Chilliwack Fair in their book, Commitment to Caring: Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary’s 100 Years, 1911-2011, for sale at the Thrift Shoppe, Chilliwack Museum, and at the 2011 Chilliwack Fair.