Come purchase holiday baking and gifts from the Auxiliary Knitting Case and Thrift Shoppe. Proceeds go towards equipment, patient care, and comfort at the Chilliwack General Hospital. December 7, 2024 9:00 AM to 3:00 pm Lions Community Center 9233 Main Street, Chilliwack, BC Do not forget to get your raffle tickets. There are more than …
Category Archives: Chilliwack General Hospital
Recent Auxiliary Activities
The Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary has been busy with bake sales, anniversary sales, conferences and fund raising.
2023 Bake Sale and Raffle
December 2, 2023 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Lions Community Hall at 9233 Main Street, Chilliwack, BC, Canada Proceeds go towards equipment and patient care & comfort at the Chilliwack General Hospital. 10 Prizes: Westjet round trip tickets for two, Tim Horton’s Basket and Bunn Coffee Maker, Ken’s Tire Certificate 2 handmade quilts, handmade afghans, …
2023 Appreciation Tea
Appreciation Tea was held April 19 at Chilliwack General Hospital. Many thanks to our volunteer liaison Beckie Evans for hosting this event.
More volunteers needed to help raise funds for Chilliwack General Hospital
National Volunteer Week: Auxiliary has supported Chilliwack hospital for more than 110 years For decades, a group of volunteers has supported the Chilliwack General Hospital by raising money to buy medical equipment. But back in 1911, when the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary first started up, they were raising funds to buy something else – the hospital …
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Some facts about the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary
So many opportunities to give back with the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary! The Hospital Auxiliary has been helping Chilliwack since 1911. Read a bit about our history. Primary Goal Our primary goal is to donate money to the Chilliwack Hospital for equipment which recently included the new CT Scanner. Each Christmas we contribute to the various hospital departments …
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Annual Strawberry Tea
June 2, 2012 1:30 to 3:00 pm Chilliwack United Church, entrance at corner of Main and Spadina. [googlemaps,-97.15369&sspn=44.617777,104.326172&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=45835+Spadina+Ave,+Chilliwack,+Fraser+Valley+Regional+District,+British+Columbia+V2P+7V2&ll=49.169142,-121.956262&spn=0.01034,0.01929&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=425&h=350] Come for cake, strawberries, ice cream, tea and coffee. Check out the baked goods for sale, partake in the Chinese raffle, and maybe win a door prize. Admission by donation. All proceeds go towards purchasing hospital …
2012 Chilliwack Heritage Awards
The Chilliwack Heritage Awards were presented on March 24, 2012 by the Chilliwack Museum and Historical Society. Each year they present awards to individuals, businesses, governments or groups whose efforts have made important contributions to the culture, history and/or heritage of Chilliwack and its people. This year, author Andrea Lister, with research assistants Robin and …
Happy 100th Birthday Chilliwack General Hospital
The first Chilliwack hospital officially opened February 28, 1912 completely free from debt. The women of the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary raised $5000 of the total expenditure of $10,000.In addition to fundraising, the Auxiliary women gathered supplies for the hospital wards. They supplied feathers and made pillows. They put notices in the paper for donations of …
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