Thrift Shoppe Anniversary and Closure

The Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shoppe has been in business since March 16, 1999. We have been serving the community of Chilliwack with new and used clothing and household items and raising funds for our local Hospital with equipment and services for the care and comfort of the patients. The Chilliwack Hospital AuxiliaryThrift Shoppe opened …

Upcoming CHA Events

There are a number of Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary events coming up. February 12: Valentine’s Day Bake Sale 8:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Vendor’s Corner at Chilliwack General Hospital. All proceeds go towards equipment, patient care, and comfort at the Chilliwack General Hospital March 11: CHA Annual General Meeting 10:00 am at Community of …

2023 Bake Sale and Raffle

December 2, 2023 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Lions Community Hall at 9233 Main Street, Chilliwack, BC, Canada Proceeds go towards equipment and patient care & comfort at the Chilliwack General Hospital. 10 Prizes: Westjet round trip tickets for two, Tim Horton’s Basket and Bunn Coffee Maker, Ken’s Tire Certificate 2 handmade quilts, handmade afghans, …