Upcoming CHA Events

There are a number of Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary events coming up. February 12: Valentine’s Day Bake Sale 8:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Vendor’s Corner at Chilliwack General Hospital. All proceeds go towards equipment, patient care, and comfort at the Chilliwack General Hospital March 11: CHA Annual General Meeting 10:00 am at Community of …

Thrift Shoppe now takes Debit

The Thrift Shoppe has exciting news! They now accept debit card payments in addition to cash. Did you know that the Thrift Shoppe is staffed entirely by volunteers? All proceeds raise funds for new equipment for the Chilliwack Hospital. The Thrift Shoppe Hours: Tuesday through Saturday 11:00 am–3:00 pm. Closed on Sunday and Monday. 9236 …