Service and Constancy of Effort

“”If you continue to give the service and constancy of effort which you have given in the 27 years since your inception, you will continue to merit the wonderful support that you have had in the past,” said Mayor C.A. Barber, Saturday afternoon, on officially opening the attractive new Hospital auxiliary dining hall at the fair grounds.”” (Chilliwack Progress, August 31, 1938, p2).

The Lions Club Hall, formerly the Auxiliary Dining Hall, photo by Robin Lister

The Auxiliary Dining Hall was used for many years to serve the fair meals. They sold the hall to the Chilliwack Light Horse Breeders and Riding Club in the 1950s but continued to use the building until they stopped catering fair meals in 1965.

The Auxiliary ladies will be at the 139th Annual Chilliwack Fair, August 5, 6, and 7, although not to serve meals; they will be conducting a recruitment drive. Be sure to drop by and say hello.

Read more about the Auxiliary and their involvement at the Chilliwack Fair in their book, Commitment to Caring: Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary’s 100 Years, 1911-2011, for sale at the Thrift Shoppe, Chilliwack Museum, and at the 2011 Chilliwack Fair.

Pies, cakes, cold meats, and salads

Catering the meals served at the refreshment tent at the fall agricultural fair was a main fundraiser for the Chilliwack Auxiliary for 54 years. They started serving meals out of a 20 by 20 foot tent in 1911.

Chilliwack Progress, September 2, 1915

The Auxiliary ladies will be at the 139th Annual Chilliwack Fair, August 5, 6, and 7, although not to serve meals; they will be conducting a recruitment drive. Be sure to drop by and say hello.

Read more about the Auxiliary and their involvement at the Chilliwack Fair in their book, Commitment to Caring: Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary’s 100 Years, 1911-2011, for sale at the Thrift Shoppe, Chilliwack Museum, and at the 2011 Chilliwack Fair.

Thank you, thank you very much

President Donna Goodey

The Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary Centennial Planning Committee would like to thank everyone for attending our successful Centennial Celebration, Saturday, May 14, 2011, where we celebrated 100 years of service. We enjoyed seeing Mayor Sharon Gaetz, Councilman Stewart McLean, Site Director Elma Pauls and Clinical Coordinator of Redesign Project, Elsie Duncan in attendance. The Chilliwack Hospital Service League, as well as past members, and members from the Abbotsford and Mission Hospital Auxiliaries were also present.

The 100th anniversary cake, made and decorated by Terry Grier, was delicious and completely edible, even the dogwood icing branches! The poster depicted the Auxiliary donated $5,000,000 to the Chilliwack General Hospital over the past 100 years for equipment and patient care and comfort items.

Author, Andrea Lister, of the Auxiliary’s 100 years, Commitment to Caring signed books and greeted guests. The book chronicles the early fundraising efforts starting in 1908 and through the formation of the Auxiliary in 1911 to the present. The book includes interesting facts and stories about the Auxiliary, Service League and how they have supported the growth of the Chilliwack General Hospital for the past 100 years.


Barbershop quartet HiQ took guests through decades of song.

'Elvis' Steve Elliot entertaining

Elvis’ (Steve Elliott) rocked the room with an entertaining act.

Everyone who attended had a wonderful time and I’m sure the event will be the ‘talk of the town’ for some time to come!!

Centennial Committee

Centennial Celebration Brings Generations Together

On Saturday, May 14, 2011 the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary will celebrate 100 years of service to the community.

The early fundraising began in March 1908 when Carl Grossman and a group of young men organized two performances of a minstrel show to raise funds for a hospital fund. This event was followed in 1911 by a “Feast of Nations” organized by Carl’s mother, Julia, and sister, Elva. This two-day event involved women’s groups from the community and raised the equivalent of about $36,400.00 in today’s money. These women formed the foundation of the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary, officially formed in May 1, 1911. Elva Grossman was the Auxiliary’s first secretary.

Now, 100 years later, the centennial celebration brings together descendants of Julia Grossman: five great-grandsons, a great-great granddaughter, and a great-great-great granddaughter. Additionally, the niece of Louisa Stiff, sister-in-law to Carl Grossman and organizer of the Irish booth at the 1911 “Feast of Nations” will also be taking part in the festivities.

Join the Auxiliary on May 14, 2011 for a luncheon including entertainment featuring ‘Elvis’ (Steve Elliott), and barbershop quartet HiQ. Author Andrea Lister will be signing her book, Commitment to Caring: Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary’s 100 years, 1911-2011, the story of determined women, in a time before they were considered persons under the law, who fundraised, sewed, canned, and knitted to establish Chilliwack’s first hospital.

Location: Coast Chilliwack Hotel, 11:00 am  3:00 pm

Tickets are $35, available at the Thrift Shoppe, Hospital Information Booth, and Auxiliary members. The community of Chilliwack and surrounding area is invited to help celebrate this event and wearing costumes from the past is welcomed.

Gardens and Cottonwoods

Look for the red jackets at the following Chilliwack locations: Minter Country Gardens (Young Rd) and Cottonwood Mall (in front of Sears) April 28, 29, and 30 selling $2 souvenir buttons, $2 raffle tickets, 100th anniversary luncheon tickets and the Commitment to Caring book. Books are also available at the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shoppe, The CGH Gift Shop and the Chilliwack Museum.

Raffle tickets are $2 each and prizes are: 1st prize: Noritake China ‘Carolyn’ 8 place setting, platter, cream & sugar, vegetable bowl; 2nd prize: hand crocheted tablecloth 66″ x 96″ Queen Anne Pattern; 3rd prize: Framed Cross Stitch ‘My Fair Lady’  27″ x 31 1/2″; 4th prize: tableware 6 place settings  gold plated stainless steel with case; and 5th prize: beautiful hand crafted jewellery necklace, bracelet & pierced earring set.

On May 14, 2011 the auxiliary is celebrating their 100 years of service anniversary with a $35.00 buffet luncheon at the Coast Hotel 11am-3pm. Entertainment will feature ‘Elvis’ (Steve Elliott) and HiQ, a barbershop quartet. The community of Chilliwack and surrounding area is invited to help celebrate this event and wearing costumes from the past is welcomed.

Buttons, Raffle, and Book

Look for Auxiliary members around Chilliwack locations selling $2 souvenir buttons, $2 raffle tickets, 100th anniversary luncheon tickets and the Commitment to Caring book.

Raffle tickets are $2 each and prizes are: 1st prize: Noritake China ‘Carolyn’ 8 place setting, platter, cream & sugar, vegetable bowl; 2nd prize: hand crocheted tablecloth 66″ x 96″ Queen Anne Pattern; 3rd prize: Framed Cross Stitch ‘My Fair Lady’  27″ x 31 1/2″; 4th prize: tableware 6 place settings  gold plated stainless steel with case; and 5th prize: beautiful hand crafted jewellery necklace, bracelet & pierced earring set.

On May 14, 2011 the auxiliary is celebrating their 100 years of service anniversary with a $35.00 buffet luncheon at the Coast Hotel 11am-3pm. Entertainment will feature ‘Elvis’ and HiQ, a barbershop quartet. The community of Chilliwack and surrounding area is invited to help celebrate this event and wearing costumes from the past is welcomed.

Look for the red jackets at the following Chilliwack locations: Walmart, April 7, 8, and 9; PriceSmart April 14, 15, and 16; and Minter Country Gardens (Young Rd) and Cottonwood Mall (in front of Sears) April 28, 29, and 30. Books are also available at the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shoppe, The CGH Gift Shop and the Chilliwack Museum.

Announcement: New Book, Commitment to Caring: Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary’s 100 Years, 1911-2011

(Chilliwack, BC, March 15, 2011) Commitment to Caring is the story of determined women, in a time before they were considered persons under the law, who fundraised, sewed, canned, and knitted to establish Chilliwack’s first hospital. The Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary announced today the publication of a new book Commitment to Caring: Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary’s 100 Years, 1911-2011, ($20.00) by Andrea Lister.

Commitment to CaringIn a time before medicare these women formed the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary in 1911 and recruited their sisters-in-laws, daughters, and friends to join them in their efforts and take over for them as they aged. They enlisted the support of the community in supporting the hospital for 100 years through wars, depressions, and social changes. They have left, and continue to leave a lasting legacy, with their hard work and dedicated volunteerism. Richly illustrated with seldom-seen photographs Commitment to Caring is a celebration of these women. All proceeds from the sale of this book go towards the purchase of equipment for the Chilliwack General Hospital. Continue reading “Announcement: New Book, Commitment to Caring: Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary’s 100 Years, 1911-2011”