Thrift Shoppe Anniversary and Closure

The Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shoppe has been in business since March 16, 1999. We have been serving the community of Chilliwack with new and used clothing and household items and raising funds for our local Hospital with equipment and services for the care and comfort of the patients.

The Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary
Thrift Shoppe opened March 16,
1999 with windows decorated for Saint Patrick’s Day and was already a success
by the end of the month.

Photo from Gwen Goodey collection

The Shoppe started in the same location at 9236 Main Street downtown Chilliwack using one side of the building and then expanded to what we see today.

We have had some very loyal customers come through our doors, visitors from surrounding areas and across our Province. We have received wonderful donations from the community to keep us in business and we are very thankful to everyone who has supported our dear Thrift Shoppe. We have made a lot of friendships along the way and lots of memories to hold dear in our hearts.

The members of the auxiliary have worked hard using their time and talents to keep the Shoppe in business without ever taking any wages. All volunteers over the years who have made a difference, we are eternally grateful for your dedication and commitment.

It is with heavy hearts that we are announcing that the Thrift Shoppe will be holding our 26th Anniversary event on March 8, 2025 and then we will be closing up with sales until end of March and close our doors at the end of April, unable to sustain the increases in rent and expenses.

Our membership thanks each and everyone who supported the shoppe over the years and bid you all a fond farewell. The Auxiliary will continue to fundraise and support healthcare as it has done for 114 years and counting. We are always looking for new members.

Media Coverage

“The Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shoppe: A Vital Community Resource at Risk, ” Build Chilliwack, January 23, 2025.

“Chilliwack thrift store poised to close later this year,” Fraser Valley Today, February 3, 2025.

“Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary thrift shop closing after 26 years,” Chilliwack Progress, February 20, 2025.

7 Dec 2024 Bake Sale & Raffle

Come purchase holiday baking and gifts from the Auxiliary Knitting Case and Thrift Shoppe.

Proceeds go towards equipment, patient care, and comfort at the Chilliwack General Hospital.

December 7, 2024

9:00 AM to 3:00 pm

Lions Community Center
9233 Main Street, Chilliwack, BC

Do not forget to get your raffle tickets. There are more than $3300 in prizes to be won. IPAD 10 – 256 GB. Thank you to all our generous donors for their contribution to our Raffle. Ticket are $5.00 each or 3 tickets for $10.00. They are available at our Thrift Shoppe 9236 Main Street. Come and Support our Hospital. Draw Saturday, December 7th at our Bake Sale.

Bake Sale poster

Recent Auxiliary Activities

The Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary has been busy with bake sales, anniversary sales, conferences and fund raising.

2024 executive along with the area director.

Upcoming CHA Events

There are a number of Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary events coming up.

February 12: Valentine’s Day Bake Sale

8:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Vendor’s Corner at Chilliwack General Hospital. All proceeds go towards equipment, patient care, and comfort at the Chilliwack General Hospital

March 11: CHA Annual General Meeting

10:00 am at Community of Christ Church 9845 Carleton Street Chilliwack. Join our wonderful group and support healthcare in Chilliwack.

March 16: The Thrift Shoppe 25th Anniversary

Stay tuned for what we have planned.

May 10: Auxiliary Day Bake Sale

Details to follow.

2023 Wrap Up

The fall and winter of 2023 were a busy time – here are some highlights.

The Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary contributed $45,000 towards the purchase of a new OR table for Chilliwack General Hospital.

Nov 15th was Alice’s 90th birthday lunch. She has been a member for many years and looks after the knitting case donations.

On Nov 23rd some members attended the Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation Wonderful Breakfast.

On Dec 2 we held a bake sale /knitting sale/raffle and made over $1800. We thank our donors for the many prizes and patrons for this successful day.

2023 Bake Sale and Raffle

December 2, 2023

9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Lions Community Hall at 9233 Main Street, Chilliwack, BC, Canada
Proceeds go towards equipment and patient care & comfort at the Chilliwack General Hospital.

10 Prizes: Westjet round trip tickets for two, Tim Horton’s Basket and Bunn Coffee Maker, Ken’s Tire Certificate 2 handmade quilts, handmade afghans, handmade Winnie the Pooh collection, baby & Christmas baskets, lots of gift certificates and gift cards from our generous businesses, many other prizes.

Tickets $2.00 each available at:

Chilliwack Auxiliary Thrift Shoppe, 9236 Main Street

Knitting Case at the Chilliwack Hospital, Info Desk

Draw on December 2nd at our BAKE SALE

Join us on Saturday, December 2, 2023
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Lions Community Hall at 9233 Main Street, Chilliwack