Thrift Shoppe Window shattered by thieves in pre-dawn darkness

We were devastated on Friday, September 10, 2021 to discover that overnight, thieves broke the window of the Thrift Shoppe and managed (through the window bars) to steal items out of our raffle baskets that were on display.

Our volunteers spent countless hours, with support from community businesses, so that we were able to put together 10 baskets, each with values of approximately $800. Half of the baskets had gift cards and smaller items, including an Apple Watch stolen. We had just started selling tickets this week. It’s very disheartening when all the money we make through the Shoppe and various fundraisers goes right to the local hospital which serves everyone in the community. We are going to soldier on, and hopefully somehow replace the items that were stolen in the raffle baskets.

Anyone wishing to help us out as wework to replace the stolen basket items is asked to message them through the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shoppe Facebook page or through our website.