Every year the Auxiliary has a bake sale to celebrate Auxiliary Day May 10. We couldn’t do that this year so we had to come up with another plan.

We decided to celebrate Auxiliary Day on Friday May 8, 2020 by doing so in the safest way possible. We got permission from CGH Administration so I bought the hanging basket and made a thank you sign. We put all the names of the different departments of the hospital into a bowl. Our new volunteer liaison Beckie Evans drew the name and the winner was the Emergency Dept. We then got their manager Kim Choi to meet us and we handed the basket over to her. She then went back to her Dept and drew a name from all her staff. Christine was the winner.

Thanks to Debbie Tracey for assisting me and also on hand was Robert from Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation. He’s holding our green BCAHA bag because it matched his shirt. This photo will be sent to BCAHA next year for the photo contest.
The Emergency Dept was very appreciative. This was a small effort on our part to thank all the hospital essential workers for their hard work and dedication over the past few months.

We look forward to the day when we can safely open the Thrift Shoppe and welcome back our customers. In the meantime please check out our Facebook and Instagram.